What do skunks eat?
Skunks, the animals known for spraying foul smelling liquid when threatened. But there is more to these creatures other than their defensive tactics. Another fascinating thing about them is their diet and the thought of it being a pet.
In this blog, we will dive into the world of skunks and uncover what do skunks like to eat and about skunks as pets.
What is skunk?

A skunk is a medium sized mammal known for its black and white fur patterns and foul smelling liquid. They belong to the family Mephitidae and are found in America. Skunks are nocturnal creatures and are active during the night.
Skunk as a pet

As keeping skunks as pets is legal in some places, it’s important to check whether it’s legal to have a skunk pet in your country. In the US, there are some states like Florida, Indiana, and Ohio where pet skunks are legal while it’s illegal in others. The domesticated skunks are bred in captivity and usually de-scented by a vet to prevent spraying.
Characteristics of skunks:
- Back and white fur
- Length: 20–30 inches
- Weight: 4–10 pounds
- They have strong claws and enjoy digging.
- Spraying a pungent liquid is their defense mechanism
- Skunk lifespan: 3 to 10 years
Species of skunks (Types of skunks)
⇒ Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
⇒ Hooded Skunk (Mephitis macroura)
⇒ Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius)
⇒ Western Spotted Skunk (Spilogale gracilis)
⇒ Pygmy Spotted Skunk (Spilogale pygmaea)
⇒ American Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus leuconotus)
⇒ Striped Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus semistriatus)
⇒ Molina’s Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus chinga)
⇒ Humboldt’s Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus humboldtii)
⇒ Sunda Stink Badger (Mydaus javanensis)
⇒ Palawan Stink Badger (Mydaus marchei)
What is skunks diet?
When it comes to skunk diet, what do baby skunks eat and what do adult skunks eat are some common questions that arise in pet parents' minds. The following diet will answer your questions:
Stages |
Baby Skunks |
Juvenile Skunks |
Adult Skunks |
Age |
Birth to 8 weeks |
2–6 months |
6 months and older |
Diet |
The newborns are given milk as they are completely dependent. After 4-8 weeks, introduce soft solid foods. |
Gradually include proteins, fruits, vegetables, and supplements in their diet. |
An adult skunk can eat insects, fruits, and small animals like mice, and lizards. At home, the adult skunks are provided a balanced diet with proteins, fruits, and vegetables. |
What do skunks eat?

What do skunks eat in the wild?
1. Insects
Bugs are the primary source of food for skunks, especially during summer. Insects provide them with protein and other nutrients essential for their health. Some insects they feed on are:
→ >Beetles
→ Ants
→ Grasshoppers
→ Termites
→ Crickets
2. Small mammals
Though insects are the primary food for skunks, they sometimes hunt small mammals. With the help of hunting techniques involving stalking, digging, or ambushing, they can hunt animals like:
→ Mice
→ Voles
→ Rats
→ Squirrels
→ Young rabbits
3. Reptiles
Reptiles are a good source of protein and moisture and skunks hunt there where reptiles are abundant, such as near water sources or in wooded areas. They eat the following reptiles:
→ Frogs
→ Lizards
→ Snakes
4. Fruits
Skunks, like some humans, also have a sweet tooth. They have a strong preference for sweet foods. They forage in bushes, raid orchards, and consume fruits growing on vines. Some fruits that skunks enjoy are:
→ Berries
→ Apples
→ Grapes
→ Pears
→ Peaches
5. Nuts and Roots
Skunks forage for acorns, walnuts, and hickory nuts to prepare for winter. They also dig for roots, tubers, and bulbs when food becomes scarce. They eat potatoes, wild plant roots, and bulbs, such roots are served as an essential food source, especially during colder months.
6. Carrion
Skunks are scavengers and can eat the flesh of dead animals. They feed on roadkill, decaying wildlife, and dead birds as it provides essential nutrients and is an easy food source.
What do skunks eat as pets? Pet skunks!
Pet skunks eat a diet that consists of proteins, vegetables, fruits, and occasional treats.
Diet of a Skunk Pet:
1. Meat/Egg/Fish
Pet skunks can be given cooked lean meats such as chicken, turkey, or beef. Hard-boiled, scrambled eggs and cooked fish. These options provide the necessary proteins for muscle development and energy.
2. Vegetables & Fruits
Skunks can eat carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and zucchini. Fruits should be given sparingly as it has sugar content.
3. Skunk Food
Some pet stores offer skunk food, which is tailored to their needs. If skunk food is unavailable, low-fat, high-protein cat food can be used as a substitute.
4. Grains and Treats
Cooked grains like oatmeal or brown rice can be included in their diet. Mealworms, plain yogurt, nuts, or seeds can be added to their diet sparingly.
How does a skunk locate its food?

1. Sense of Smell
Their excellent sense of smell is one of the tools that they use for locating food. Skunks sniff around the ground, in fallen leaves, or under rocks and logs to locate insects, small mammals, and roots. Their olfactory senses help them find food hidden beneath the surface.
2. Digging
Skunks use their strong, sharp claws and long snouts to dig the soil to find food. They often dig for grubs, worms, beetles, and other burrowing insects, which make up a significant portion of their diet.
3. Vision and Hearing
Skunks have poor eyesight and they can only detect movement and shapes in low-light conditions. They have a good sense of hearing that helps them detect the sounds of small animals like rodents or frogs rustling in the underbrush or burrows.
4. Scavenging
These creatures take advantage of readily available food. They will scavenge from garbage or animal carcasses when other food sources are limited.
Summing Up!
As we end our guide “What do skunks eat”, we can conclude that they are more than their scent. They are adaptable omnivores with a diverse diet. As these black and white creatures are both predators and scavengers, their diet is a combination of fruits, insects, small animals, and scavenged scraps.
Check out Pets by Numbers, custom pet paintings to create beautiful skunk art!