when do cats stop growing

The tiny little paws, the soulful eyes and the stubby tail- there is no limit to the cuteness of our feline friends. Have you ever wondered how our furry companions grow or when do cats stop growing? 

To end your musings, this guide will help you uncover all about the journey of cute kittens to becoming magnificent cats. As a cat mom and cat dad, it’s important to understand their growing patterns in order to provide them with care and companionship throughout their lives. 

So, join us kitten keepers on this feline adventure and learn about cat’s growth!

How do cats grow?

How do cats grow

Cats grow through a series of developmental stages from birth to adulthood, undergoing physical, behavioral, and social changes. Here's a detailed overview of cat growth stages:

I - Neonatal Stage (0-2 weeks):

In this cat life stage, the kitten is born both blind and deaf, due to which they are dependent on their mother. Reflexes like rooting and kneading are present in kittens, and it is during this stage that they begin bonding with their mothers and littermates.

II - Transitional Stage (2-4 weeks):

The kittens open their eyes after 7-10 days, and with this, their hearing also develops. During the life cycle of a cat, at this stage, their teeth also begin to erupt. They start to walk, crawl and attempt to stand while exploring their surroundings. As their interactions with others increase, their social and motor skills also develop.

III - Socialization Stage (4-12 weeks):

In this third stage, kittens become more playful as they see and hear well. They start stalking, pouncing, and chasing. They learn social skills through interaction with their mother, littermates, and human caregivers. This period is crucial for proper socialization.

IV - Juvenile Stage (3-6 months):

From 3 to 6 months, their baby teeth are replaced with adult teeth. Kittens continue to refine their motor skills and hunting behaviors through play. They become more independent, but they still benefit from social interactions.

V - Adolescent Stage (6 months - 2 years):

Growth slows down, and they reach their full adult size by about 12-18 months. Sexual maturity occurs, leading to puberty behaviors. They become more confident and exhibit territorial behavior. Play behavior continues but may become more solitary.

VI - Adulthood (2-7 years):

Between 2-7 years, the cats become fully grown and sexually mature. The adult cats are more predictable in their routines and interactions. Social preferences become more apparent. Some cats may prefer solitude, while others remain social and playful.

VII - Senior Stage (7+ years):

Aging signs appear, such as decreased mobility, changes in weight, and potential health issues. Their activity levels decrease. Cats may sleep more and play less. Senior cats may become more affectionate and seek out more interaction with their human caregivers.

When do cats stop growing in size?

When do cats stop growing in size

Cats generally stop growing between 12 to 18 months, but this can vary based on factors like genetics, breed and overall health.

→ When do male cats stop growing?

Male cats typically stop growing between 18 months and 2 years of age.

→ When do female cats stop growing?

 Female cats usually stop growing a bit earlier, typically between 12 and 18 months of age.

How long do cats grow? Factors affecting their growth!

How long do cats grow

Wondering at what age do cats stop growing?... Cats reach their full growth within 12 to 18 months of age. The following factors affect their growth:

  • Breed - Larger breeds tend to have longer growth periods. For instance, Maine Coons can grow until they are 3-4 years old, whereas smaller breeds like Siamese cats may stop growing closer to 12 months.
  • Gender - Male cats grow for a slightly longer period compared to females. Some males, particularly of larger breeds, may continue to grow until they are 2-4 years old whereas the female cats stop growing a bit earlier, typically between 12 and 18 months.
  • Nutrition and Health - Proper nutrition and overall health impact the growth rate and final size of the cat. Malnutrition or health issues can stunt growth, while optimal care can support reaching full size.

How fast do cats grow as per breed?

How fast do cats grow as per breed

Small to Medium Breeds


Growth Rate: Rapid early growth.

Full Size: Typically reached by 12 months.


Growth Rate: Steady growth throughout the first year.

Full Size: Usually reached by 12-14 months.


Growth Rate: Fast early growth, tapering off in the later months.

Full Size: Generally reached by 12-14 months.


Medium to Large Breeds

British Shorthair

Growth Rate: Moderate growth, slower than smaller breeds.

Full Size: Typically reached by 3 years.


Growth Rate: Slow and steady growth.

Full Size: Usually reached by 3-4 years.


Large Breeds

Maine Coon

Growth Rate: Slow and extended growth period.

Full Size: Reached by 3-4 years.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Growth Rate: Slow, continuous growth over several years.

Full Size: Typically reached by 4 years.


Reasons Why is My Cat Not Growing?

The following are the reasons why cats stop growing other than genetics, breed and nutrition:

  1. Underlying health issues
  2. Stress or Anxiety
  3. Poor Breeding Practices
  4. Environmental Factors (temperature, lighting, and space)


Do cat whiskers grow back?

Whiskers or vibrissae, are hairs that are deeply embedded in a cat's skin and connected to nerve endings. If the whiskers are trimmed or accidentally cut, they will grow back.

Do cats claws grow back?

Yes, cats' claws can grow back if they are damaged or removed. However, if a cat's claws are surgically removed (declawing), they will not grow back.

Does cat hair grow back?

Just like human hair, cat hair does grow back if it is trimmed or shaved.

Do cats get growing pains?

Cats can experience discomfort or pain during periods of rapid growth, especially as kittens.

How quickly do cats grow?

Cats' growth varies depending on factors such as breed, genetics, nutrition, and overall health. Though kittens undergo rapid growth during the first few months of life.

Summing Up!

Dear cat parents, as we conclude in our guide, “When do cats stop growing?”, We can conclude that cat growth depends upon various factors. Also the timeline by which our feline friends become an adult. As, it is our responsibility to provide the nurturing environments, proper nutrition, and veterinary care to support their growth and development.

So, let's cherish every moment of their growth journey, from the playful antics of kittenhood to the regal elegance of adulthood. And don’t forget to capture their journey within the canvas of custom pet paint by number from Pets by Numbers! These all in one kits will let you create a beautiful portrait of your adorable furbaby.

June 06, 2024