What is the strongest animal in the world?
What is the strongest animal in the world? Strongest animal, one can not get a particular name of an animal, as strength in the animal kingdom can manifest in myriad forms. The absolute strength of lifting, the bite force, the relative strength, the endurance defining the long distance travel, and physical stamina, specialized or collective strength.
So, what are the strongest animal in the world… In this guide, we will find the champions of strength across different categories, unraveling the secrets behind their extraordinary abilities.
Top 10 strongest animal in the world

Elephants, the only mammals that can not jump, are often described as eating machines, as they can eat up to 300 pounds of food and drink up to 50 gallons of water per day. Do you know they are known to learn more than 60 commands, which is even more than the number of commands a dog can learn. Also, these big creatures can purr like cats in order to communicate with others. These land animals are not just considered the largest land animals, but they are also one of the smartest and strongest animals in the world.
Elephants are considered to be the strongest animal on Earth in terms of their massive size, powerful muscles, and ability to push down trees and lift heavy objects with their trunks.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
- Height: 13 feet - Weight: 5,000 to 14,000 pounds - Trunk: An elongated nose and upper lip, used for breathing, smelling, touching, grasping, and producing sound. - Tusks: Teeth that grow throughout an elephant’s life. - Ears: They have larger ears that help with heat dissipation. |
- Matriarchal Society: Elephant herds are typically led by a matriarch, the oldest and often largest female. - Social Bonds: Elephants form strong, lifelong bonds with their herd members. - Male Behavior: Adult males (bulls) often live solitary lives or form temporary bachelor groups. |
- African Bush Elephant: The largest species, found in savannas and forests of sub-Saharan Africa. - African Forest Elephant: Smaller and more elusive, inhabiting the dense forests of Central and West Africa. - Asian Elephant: Slightly smaller, with smaller ears and a more arched back. |
What do elephants symbolize?
Elephants symbolize strength, wisdom, longevity, spiritual enlightenment, and loyalty.
How fast can an elephant run?
Elephants can run up to 25 miles per hour. However, this speed can vary depending on factors such as the elephant's age, size, and terrain.
Do elephants think humans are cute?
There is no scientific evidence that can prove that elephants think humans are cute. Though elephants can form bonds with humans and can show affection and recognition towards them.

Dung beetles that are found everywhere except for Antarctica, the waste cleaners who remove dung and destroy parasites by burying one metric ton of dung per year. These creatures also use celestial orientation, like the Milky Way, to navigate while rolling dung in a straight line from the pile to their home. These insects are known for taking care of their young ones by creating a brood ball that helps protect them from competitors and environmental conditions.
The African Dung Beetle, also known as Scarabaeus Satyrus, can bury dung balls that are much heavier than themselves.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: Sizes vary greatly among species, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters in length. Body: Their body has an exoskeleton, head, legs, wings, and antennae. Color: They have shades of black, brown, green, and metallic hues. |
The social structure of dung beetles varies depending upon environmental conditions, resource availability, and reproductive strategies. Some species operate independently, while others exhibit varying degrees of cooperation and social organization. |
There are more than 6000 species of dung beetles worldwide. |
What do dung beetles eat?
Dung beetles feed on feces that serve as their main source of nutrition.
Can dung beetles fly?
Yes, many species of dung beetles can fly.
Are dung beetles dangerous?
Dung beetles are not typically considered dangerous to humans. They do not pose a direct threat, as they do not bite or sting.

Leafcutter ants are hardworking creatures who travel up to 30 meters to collect the leaves and carry the leaves in their nest, where they are then chewed to form a nutritional substance on which fungus can grow. These ants produce chemical defenses and engage in behaviors such as nest construction to protect their colonies. Also, their nests are so big that an adult human will be able to stand inside them.
The leafcutter ants have super strength as they can carry 50 times their body weight.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: They have different sizes and roles within the colony. Workers are typically smaller in size. Color: They are reddish brown to black in color. Body: It has a head, mandibles, thorax, abdomen, legs, and antennae. |
Colonies: Millions of leafcutter ants live in organized colonies. Castes: The ants are divided into workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals. |
Leafcutter ants belong to two main genera: Genus Atta: There are around 15 recognized species of leafcutter ants within the genus Atta. Genus Acromyrmex: There are approximately 30 recognized species of leafcutter ants within the genus Acromyrmex. |
Do leafcutter ant bite?
Leafcutter ants can bite if they feel threatened or if they are handled, but their bites are generally not considered harmful to humans.
How long do leafcutter ant colonies live?
It can vary depending on various factors, such as environmental conditions, resource availability, and colony health.
What role do different castes play within a leafcutter ant colony?
Leafcutter ant colonies are divided into distinct castes, including workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals.

The creatures that have been living on this planet since the Mesozoic era, the time of dinosaurs - Saltwater crocodile. It is also the biggest reptile in the world. These crocs can live up to 70 years, they have around 68 sharp teeth, they cannot sweat and what’s more! Like other reptiles, the gender of their hatchlings also depends upon the temperature. And they also have their own unique killer move that can remove the limbs of their prey known as ‘THE DEATH ROLL’.
Saltwater crocodile is the animal with the strongest bite force at up to 3,700 pounds per square inch that allows them to crush the bones of their prey.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Length: 4.3 to 5.2 meters Weight: 400 to 1,000 kilograms Body: They have a robust body, covered in scales. They also have broad snouts, eyes on the top of their heads and a long and powerful tail. |
Saltwater crocodiles are generally solitary animals but display complex social behaviors. During the breeding season, they become more tolerant of females. |
There are 15 recognized species of true crocodiles |
Are crocodiles bigger than alligators?
Crocodiles tend to grow larger than alligators.
Can crocodiles climb trees?
Crocodiles have been observed climbing low branches to bask in the sun or to escape from predators, but they are not as adept climbers as some other reptiles.
Do crocodiles hide their food?
Crocodiles are known to stash food underwater or in nearby vegetation to hide it from scavengers and to allow it to decompose before consumption.

These gigantic beings that can grow more than 100 feet long have the largest heart, big heart, big tongues and even the biggest babies on Earth. Even their huge size doesn’t marr their spirit of traveling as they make long trips to the equator. And not just that, they can communicate from hundreds of miles and like our fingerprints each blue whale has its own mottled pigmentation pattern.
The blue whales are considered to be strongest as they can exert immense strength with its sheer size and muscle power.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Length: 24 to 30 meters Weight: 100 to 150 tons Body: They have an elongated body with a broad, flat head and a small dorsal fin near the tail. They also have baleen plates instead of teeth and two blowholes on top of their head. Color: Mottled blue-gray, often appearing blue underwater. |
Blue whales are solitary animals or found in small groups. They often travel alone or in pairs, particularly a mother and her calf. |
Blue whales are classified into several subspecies based on their geographic distribution and slight morphological differences. |
How long can a blue whale hold its breath ?
They can stay submerged for about 10 to 20 minutes per dive, although they have been known to stay underwater for up to 30 minutes or more in some cases.
Where can you see blue whales?
Blue whales are found in oceans around the world, but they are most commonly seen in certain regions known for their rich feeding grounds.
How big is a blue whale's brain?
A blue whale's brain weighs around 6.92 kilograms, making it one of the largest brains of any animal known to exist.

With arms longer than their legs - ‘gorillas’ are said to be the primates with a bite force more than that of a lion or tiger. Humans share 98% of DNA with gorillas. These creatures not only have unique fingerprints but unique nose prints as well meaning each gorilla has a unique nose pattern that is specific. Did you know an adult gorilla can eat about 25 kilograms of vegetation and the seeds that pass through their system during digestion can germinate once excreted.
Gorillas are considered to be one of the strongest land animal as they can lift about 2,000 kg that is ten times of its body weight.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: Gorillas are 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall and weigh between 140 to 200 kilograms. Body: They have a robust build with a wide chest, broad shoulders, and strong, muscular arms. They have a flat nose with wide nostrils. Hair: They have a patch of silver or gray hair on their backs, giving them the name "silverback.” |
A typical gorilla group, called a troop or band, consists of one dominant silverback male, several females, and their offspring. Troops can range from 5 to 30 individuals. |
There are two species of gorillas: Eastern Gorilla Western Gorilla |
How strong is a gorilla?
An adult male gorilla can have a strength equivalent to several times that of a human. They are known to easily bend and break branches, uproot small trees, and move heavy objects.
Can gorillas swim?
While gorillas are not known for being strong swimmers, they are generally capable of swimming if necessary.
What is special about a mountain gorilla's nose?
The large size of their noses may help warm and humidify the air they breathe, which can be beneficial in the cold, high altitude habitats they inhabit.

Eagles, these majestic king of birds are known for their eyesight which is 8 times stronger than ours, for their wingspan that is 7 to 8 feet, for their ability to fly at dizzying heights and so on… These monogamous birds create their nest at one place and their nests can weigh as much as a ton and measure up to 10 feet across.
The eagles are known for their powerful talons as they can carry prey similar to their own weight.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: They have a wingspan of around 1 meter (3.3 feet), while larger species, such as the Steller's sea eagle, can have a wingspan of over 2.5 meters (8.2 feet). Body: Eagles have a robust body with strong, muscular legs and feet adapted for grasping prey with beaks and talons. |
Eagles are generally solitary birds, but some species may exhibit social behaviors during certain times of breeding season and parental care. |
There are over 60 species of eagles worldwide, each with their own unique characteristics and adaptations. |
How high can an eagle fly?
The eagles have been observed flying at altitudes of up to 10,000 feet.
Do bald eagles migrate?
Yes, bald eagles do migrate, but their migration patterns can vary based on their geographic location and food availability.
How much weight can an eagle carry?
Eagles have powerful talons and muscles, allowing them to lift and carry substantial weights. Bald Eagles can carry about 4 to 5 pounds whereas Golden Eagles can carry up to about 8 pounds.

Tigers, the largest cat in the feline family. As per the fossils, these cats are walking the planet from two million years ago. They have white spots of fur on the back of their ears that look like fake eyes and these fake eyes ‘ocelli’ help them in communicating with their cubs.
Tigers can drag prey that is twice their body weight, often estimated around 500 kg.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: Tigers can weigh between 90 to 310 kilograms and measure about 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Coat: Tigers have a short, thick fur coat that is usually orange with black stripes and each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes |
Except for females with cubs, tigers are typically solitary animals. |
These are several subspecies of tigers: Siberian Tiger Bengal Tiger Indochinese Tiger Sumatran Tiger Malayan Tiger |
How fast can a tiger run?
Tigers can reach speeds of up to 35-40 miles per hour (56-64 kilometers per hour) in short bursts.
Which is bigger lion or tiger?
Tigers are generally larger than lions. Male Siberian tigers can weigh up to 660 pounds (300 kilograms) and measure up to 10-12 feet in length whereas male African lions (Panthera leo) typically weigh between 330-570 pounds and measure about 8-10 feet.
How heavy is a tiger?
The weight of a tiger can vary depending on the subspecies.
Siberian Tiger: Male - 400-660 pounds, Female - 220-370 pounds
Bengal Tiger: Male - 400-570 pounds, Female - 220-350 pounds
Indochinese Tiger: Male - 330-430 pounds, Female - 220-290 pounds
Sumatran Tiger: Male - 220-310 pounds, Female - 165-243 pounds
Malayan Tiger: Male - 220-308 pounds, Female - 170-240 pounds

Anaconda’s, the heaviest snake in the world weighing more than 200 pounds but these snakes are not the longest. These carnivorous snakes can almost eat anything from birds to their eggs and from reptiles to mammals. Did you know, the male anaconda is shorter than the female anaconda and the size gap is the biggest among vertebrates? Not just that anacondas give birth to live babies, they do not lay eggs like other snakes.
Anacondas are considered among the strongest animals due to specialized strength in constricting their prey. They can squeeze with a force that is estimated to be about 90 PSI.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: Adult green anacondas can be 5.21 meters long and weigh over 100 kilograms. Body: Anacondas have a thick, muscular body covered in dark greenish brown scales with black blotches. |
Anacondas are solitary reptiles and are primarily solitary hunters but they engage in social interactions for mating purposes. |
Anaconda refers to the green anaconda but there are other species of anacondas, each with its own unique characteristics. |
Are anacondas dangerous?
Yes, anacondas can be dangerous, especially to their natural prey and potentially to humans under certain circumstances.
How fast can a anaconda move?
On land, they move relatively slowly, with a top speed of about 1-2 miles per hour whereas in water, they can swim at speeds of up to 5 miles per hour.
Do anacondas eat people?
The large anacondas have the capability to constrict and potentially swallow a human, such events are exceedingly uncommon.
#10 OXEN

We use the term ‘as strong as an ox’ because oxen are very strong creatures, they do a lot of work and only need four hours of sleep a day. Oxen are desexed bulls with large pairs of horns that make them look intimidating. Also, all oxen are adults as they are considered oxen once they turn four. These herbivore creatures wear two shoes on each foot because of their cloven hooves.
Oxen are also considered to be one of the strongest animals as they are known for their endurance and ability to pull heavy loads, oxen can pull and carry up to 1,300 kg over short distances.
Physical Characteristics |
Social Structure |
Species Differences |
Size: Adult oxen weighs from 500 to 1,500 kilograms. Body: Oxen have a broad, sturdy body with powerful legs, a deep chest, horns and hooves. |
Oxen are typically social animals and may form bonds with other members of their herd. |
While "oxen" commonly refers to castrated male cattle used as draft animals, there are various cattle breeds around the world that may be used for this purpose. |
What are oxen?
Oxen are castrated male cattle that are trained as draft animals to pull heavy loads, such as plows, carts, and wagons.
How many oxen are in a yoke?
A yoke typically refers to a wooden beam used to pair two oxen together to work as a team.
Are oxen extinct?
No, oxen are not extinct. They are still used in some regions, particularly in developing countries where traditional farming practices are still prevalent.
Wrap Up
As we end our guide ‘What is the strongest animal in the world?’, we realize that the animal kingdom is brimming with a mesmerizing array of creatures, each showcasing unique abilities that contribute to their dominance in their respective habitats. We also learn that strength is not merely measured in muscle mass or force exerted.
So, whether it's the gentle giants of the savanna or the industrious insects of the forest floor, let us celebrate the diverse strengths of Earth's inhabitants and strive to protect and preserve the magnificent beings that surround us.
And if you are someone who loves capturing these creatures in artistic form then try custom pet paint by number and pop art by numbers from Pets by Numbers!