what do alpacas eat

Alpacas are all about calmness and warmth. They have such pretty eyes and soft fur. Alpacas are living examples of beauty. They represent nature’s peaceful rhythms. Such a calm presence, isn't it? But feeding alpacas correctly is super important for their health and happiness. These gentle babies require a well-balanced diet according to their nutritional needs. 

And with this guide, we will tell you the specifics of what do alpacas eat. We will also provide practical dos and don'ts for you. This will help you take the best care of these cuties. Let’s begin the journey of alpaca food.

What is an alpaca?

What is an alpaca

Alpacas are domesticated animals. They are native to the Andes in South America, found in Peru, Bolivia and Chile. They are part of the camelid family. They are closely related to llamas. They are known for their soft, luxurious fleece. They are highly valued in the textile industry.

Alpacas are gentle and social creatures. They are often kept in herds for their wool, which is hypoallergenic and comes in various natural colors. They graze on grass and have a three-chambered stomach to process fibrous diets.

What alpacas eat in the wild?

What alpacas eat in the wild

Let’s find out what alpacas eat in the wild.

  • Native grass: A variety of grasses in the high altitude regions of the Andes.
  • Ichu grass: A tough grass that provides sustenance in harsh mountain environments.
  • Puna grass: Common in the highlands. It is rich in fiber but low in nutrients.
  • Herbs and shrubs: Alpacas nibble on herbs and small shrubs. They are high in fiber and low in protein. It helps in digestion.
  • Forbs and mosses: Alpacas eat these forbs and mosses, which are abundant in their natural habitat.

Alpaca nutrition facts 

What do alpacas eat

What do alpacas eat?

We need to understand what do alpacas eat in order to ensure their proper nutrition. Alpacas are herbivores with a diet composed of forage. 

The prime alpaca pet diet includes

Forage: It includes grass, hay and pastures. You can include timothy, orchard grass and brome. High-quality, which is free from dust and mold, can also be a good alpaca food along with pastures.

Concentrates: Concentrates refer to animal feeds that are rich in energy and/or protein but low in fiber, such as corn, soybean meal, oats, wheat, and molasses. It is beneficial in winters and for extra energy. Pellets are great to supplement the forage diet. Grains can also be included.

Food Type/ sources



Fresh grasses 


High-fiber forage that supports digestive health.



It is essential when fresh pasture is unavailable.



It provides essential vitamins and minerals. 

It is important for growth and maintenance.

Mineral supplements

Minerals and vitamins

Salt blocks or loose minerals to address specific needs.

Necessary for bodily and metabolic functions.

Fresh water


It is essential for hydration and digestion.


In short, alpacas diet should be rich in fiber and include necessary supplements to ensure their good health. They have specialized stomachs to digest this type of diet.

Diet of alpacas at various life stages

We bring you the table that will take you to the diet of alpacas at various life stages.

Age group


Crias (baby alpacas) - up to 6 months

Milk, introduction to solid food like grass and hay

Juvenile alpacas - 6 months to 2 years

Forage-based diet, nutritional supplements

Adult alpacas - above 2 years

Grain supplement and forage

Senior alpacas - old alpacas

Nutrient-dense feeds, dental care and monitoring weight


Dos and Don’ts of feeding alpacas

Feeding alpacas involves knowing what to do and what to avoid. Here are some essentials. 


  • You need to provide high-quality forage. Always make sure that forage is fresh and free from contaminants. 
  • You should keep monitoring their body condition. You can regularly check your alpacas weight and body condition to ensure they are not underweight or overweight.
  • Give them fresh water. Make sure water is clean, and it should be available always to keep them hydrated.
  • You need to provide them with mineral supplements. Use alpaca-specific mineral supplements to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Maintain good hygiene. You should keep the feeding areas and water container clean to prevent the spread of diseases.


  • You should avoid overfeeding concentrates. Too many concentrates can lead to digestive problems and obesity. You should use them sparingly.
  • You should avoid feeding moldy hay. It can cause respiratory issues and other health issues. Use only high-quality hay.
  • Do not ignore dental health. You should regularly check for dental issues, as they can affect  how alpacas can eat and digest food.
  • Do not overlook pasture maintenance. It can lead to health issues and inadequate nutrition.

What can alpacas not eat?

What can alpacas not eat

These are the things that alpacas cannot eat.

⇒ Toxic plants

⇒ Nightshade (potato and tomato plants)

⇒ Rhododendrons

⇒ Oleander

⇒ Foxglove

⇒ Azaleas

⇒ Yew

⇒ Buttercup 

⇒ Grain in excess

⇒ Human food like sugary snacks, dairy products or caffeine

Tips for pet alpaca diet 

Pet alpaca food and alpaca farming require careful planning. Here are some tips.

→ Pasture management in the right way is very important when it comes to grazing alpacas. You should take care that pastures are free of parasites and healthy.

→ Proper hay storage is essential to prevent spoilage. You should store hay in a dry and well ventilated area to keep them fresh and free of mold.

→ You need to provide a balanced diet for your alpacas. Right mix of forage, concentrates and supplements. Assess their body regularly.

Summing Up!

alpaca art

Feeding alpacas correctly is key to their well-being. We should know what do alpacas eat. You need to understand their dietary needs and follow the dos and don'ts of feeding them. This helps them lead happy and healthy lives. This blog plays a pivotal role in helping you provide the best care possible for these beautiful animals. It is useful for both those involved in alpaca farming and those who are keeping alpacas as pets.

You can also check out PetsbyNumber for paint by number kits for awesome pet portraits.


Can you ride an alpaca?

Alpacas are gentle and friendly, but they are not used for riding. Their size and body structure are not suited for carrying weight. 

How long do alpacas live?

Alpacas live between 15 and 20 years. The life expectancy of an alpaca is influenced by diet,  healthcare and living conditions.                             

What does alpaca eat?

Alpacas eat a variety of plant-based foods, including fresh grass, hay and formulated pellets.

What is the difference between a llama and an alpaca?

Llamas are larger with longer faces and coarse wool, often used as pack animals. While alpacas are smaller, have shorter faces, and produce finer, softer fleece. Alpacas are more social and herd-oriented than llamas.

September 12, 2024