How long does rooster live

You must have heard the dawn-breaking crow in the early morning. Yes, they are our roosters. Roosters are known for their plumage. They are fascinating creatures with a rich history of human civilization. But do you know how long does rooster live? 

In this blog, we will see the various aspects of a rooster’s life. Their early days to eventual aging. There are many factors we will see that will influence their lifespan. So let’s  ROOST...

What’s a rooster?

Breed of roosters

Roosters are also known as cockerels or cocks. They are male chickens. Its scientific name is Gallus gallus domesticus. They are very important for the social structure of a flock. They serve as protectors, mates and natural alarm clocks. Let’s see all the stages of rooster life in a quick way.

Development stage of a rooster

The following table shows the development stages of a rooster.





21 days

Embryo develops inside the egg


24 hours

Chicken comes out of the egg


0-8 weeks

Growth and development of feathers


8-20 weeks

Sexual characteristics start to develop


20 weeks plus

At full maturity, crowing begins


And what are the factors that contribute to their lives? Let’s find out.

Factors that affect rooster longevity

We have segregated the factors based on the percentage at which they will contribute individually. This table will explore this.

Factors that affect rooster longevity













It is time now that we dive into each stage in detail.

How long does the rooster live?

How long does the rooster live

Roosters live for 5 to 8 years. It usually depends on their living conditions and breed. Some roosters can even reach up to 10 years with proper care and a healthy environment. There are some important factors, such as diet, housing, and protection from predators. These factors also play a crucial role. Free-ranging roosters are the ones that face more risks, which can shorten their lifespan. There is a regular need for veterinary care to extend a rooster's life expectancy.

Life journey of a rooster

1. Early life- Egg to chick:

lifespan of a rooster

The journey of the rooster begins in an egg. The initial period for chicken eggs is about 21 days. The embryo develops into a chick. It draws nutrients from the yolk. The hatching process requires the chick to break through the eggshell using an egg tooth. Each breed of roosters has its own lifespan.

Breed of roosters and their lifespan

We will now see all the major breeds of roosters and how long does rooster live, respectively, breed wise, in this table.


Average lifespan (in years)

Rhode island red














Plymouth rock



2. Chickhood- First eight weeks:

Once hatched, the chick is covered in soft feathers. It is highly dependent on warmth and protection. During this time, chicks grow rapidly. They begin to explore their surroundings. They peck at food and interact with the flock mates. By the end of this period, they start to develop their true feathers. There is an important role for nutrients and strategies to avoid any  mishaps that may occur.

The following table has important nutrients for rooster growth and health. It has different roles, and there are many sources for it.





Muscle development, feather growth

Grains, legumes and insects


Immune system support, bone health

Green leafy vegetables, sunlight


Bone strength, eggshell quality

Oyster shells, mineral supply


Prevention strategies

There are four preventive strategies that will make a rooster's life better and healthier.

Regular health checks

Routine inspections

Clean living conditions

Regular cleaning of the coop and living areas

Balanced diet

Nutritious food and clean water

Veterinary care

Access to a veterinarian for vaccinations and treatment.


3. Juvenile stage - 8 to 20 weeks:

lifespan of a rooster

In this stage, they start to exhibit more pronounced sexual characteristics. You may have seen a beautiful rooster in garden at this stage. There are developments in large combs and wattles. There is crowing, too. They are active. They engage in mock fights. It is around the last 4 weeks. It asserts dominance and the image of the flock's protector. There are many health issues and factors that will significantly affect the juvenile stage.

What are the health issues that cause problems in roosters?

There are a few health problems that might cause problems for roosters. There are symptoms for them. We will see the preventions too.

Health issues



Respiratory infection

coughing, sneezing and nasal discharge

Good ventilation, cleanliness and antibiotics

External parasites

itching, feather loss, lice/mites

Regular inspections, dusting powder and spray

Internal parasites

Weight loss, diarrhea and weakness

Regular deworming and clean living conditions


Wounds, limping and bleeding

Prompt treatment, isolation and antibiotics


Lifespan influencing factors of rooster

What are the factors that usually determine the lifespan of a rooster? Let’s check it out.


Impact on lifespan


Some breeds are hardier than others


Free range vs confined spaces


Balanced diet vs poor diet


Access to veterinary care


Protection from predators

Human interaction

Gentle handling vs stress


4. Adulthood - 20 weeks and beyond:

A rooster is fully matured by 20 weeks. It is fully developed. It shows colors that vary by breed. They are capable of mating. They assume their roles in the flock hierarchy. They are polygamous by nature. They mate with multiple hens. Roosters can genetically influence the genetic diversity of the flock.

Signs of aging of rooster -

→ Decreased crowing 

→ Feather loss 

→ Reduced fertility

→ Loss of physical strength

→ Aggressive and docile behavior


1. What is the average lifespan of a rooster?

 The average lifespan of a rooster can be five to eight years. It can go up to fifteen years with good care. 

2. What are the breeds of rooster?

Common breeds of rooster include Rhode Island, Leghorn, and Silkie and Orpington. 

3. How can you stop a rooster from crowing?

You can reduce a rooster’s crowing by using a rooster collar. You can keep them in a dark coop. You can also provide them with distractions.

4. Do chickens need a rooster to lay eggs?

 Chickens will not require a rooster to lay eggs. Hens can lay eggs without the rooster's presence.

5. How do you take care of an old rooster?

 To take care of an old rooster, you should provide a comfortable, clean living space, nutritious food   and regular health checkups.

Summing Up!


We can see that the life journey of a rooster has distinct stages. They have their own challenges and rewards. It starts as a vulnerable chick and goes until the adult rooster. They have a crucial role in the dynamics of flocks.

You may already know by now, how long does rooster lives. They are influenced by various factors. We need to understand their needs and behaviors. It helps with proper care so that a rooster can live well. 

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August 02, 2024