Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig

Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig - the small and furry pets, the decision of choosing a pet among them can be challenging for any pet parents. Any person who isn’t aware of the cuteness of these adorable creatures can get puzzled. To help you find your perfect pet, we will uncover their distinct characteristics, care needs and what makes them such beloved pets.

Whether you like the playful antics of gerbils, the nocturnal curiosity of hamsters, or the social sweetness of guinea pigs… Remember, there is a perfect small pet waiting to capture your heart. Let’s read ahead and discover which fur baby might become your companion!


Cute gerbils

Cute gerbils are small, burrowing rodents that make popular pets due to their friendly nature, low maintenance care requirements, and active, curious behavior. They are about 6-12 inches long, including their tails. They have a sleek body, large black eyes, and sandy brown to white and black fur. 

  • Gerbil lifespan

The average life expectancy of a gerbil is about 2 to 4 years. With proper care, some may live up to 5 years. They are active and playful during the day, making them suitable for families.

  • What do gerbils eat?

Gerbil food mixes generally contain a mix of seeds, grains and pellets, complete with occasional supplements such as sunflower seeds, nuts and small pieces of cheese. Also, provide a constant supply of clean water.

  • Gerbil house needs

Gerbils thrive in spacious and well ventilated cages. Choose a tank or wire cage with a deep base for burrowing. For bedding, use materials such as aspen shavings, paper based bedding or hay. One can also include toys and accessories to keep them busy.


Cute hamsters

Cute hamsters are small, nocturnal rodents that have become popular pets due to their cute appearance, manageable size, and relatively simple care requirements. They come in varieties - the Syrian hamster is the largest, being 5-7 inches long, whereas the dwarf hamsters are smaller, around 2-4 inches long. They have short, large cheek pouches for storing food, and fur that can be various colors and patterns.

  • Hamster lifespan

Hamsters generally live for about 2-3 years, and with care, some may live up to 4 years. They are curious, friendly, but solitary animals, mostly active at night as they are nocturnal. 

  • Hamster food

Hamsters require a balanced diet that includes grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They should have fresh food and fresh water available all the time.

  • Hamster house

Hamsters also need a spacious and well ventilated cage. You can opt for plastic bases, glass tanks, or modular plastic cages. Like Gerbil, you can keep the bedding materials similar, such as paper-based bedding, aspen shavings, or hay. They also need toys, accessories and a solid wheel to prevent injury.

Guinea Pig

Cute guinea pigs

Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, are small, social rodents that are beloved pets for their gentle nature, expressive vocalizations, and adorable appearance. 

  • Guinea Pig lifespan

Guinea Pig life expectancy is said to be around 5 to 7 years, and with proper care, they can live up to 8 years. They are diurnal and social animals that thrive on companionship.

  • Guinea Pig food

Cute guinea pigs cannot synthesize vitamin C, making it essential to provide them with a diet rich in this nutrient. Also, provide them with high quality commercial guinea pig pellets, fresh vegetables, and unlimited hay.

  • Guinea Pig house

They require a spacious cage with a size of 7.5 square feet for a pair. Make sure the cages have solid flooring so that it prevents foot injuries and allows for plenty of bedding. They also need a variety of toys and accessories, including tunnels, hideouts, chew toys, and exercise areas.

How to choose the right pet?

Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig

1. Space Requirements

Getting a pet is not all about merely acquiring one as per your liking. When choosing a pet, it is important to assess the living space. Make sure that there is proper space for the pet to move, play without any dangerous items that might cause them harm. 

2. Social Needs

Pets, like humans, also need regular interaction with their pet parents and someone of their kind. So, before getting a pet, it is essential to check how much time you can spend with your pet and whether you should buy another one with him. 

3. Activity Level and Behavior

Pets have different behavioral patterns, some are active and others are not. So, ensure that you can provide ample toys and accessories for your pet, along with the necessary playtime with them, in order to keep them happy and healthy.

4. Temperament & Diet

Before getting a pet, check whether the pet is friendly and can be tamed with regular handling. Look for the food they will eat, do they require daily feeding or they need a low maintenance diet and care. Moreover, check if the costs and expenses are within your budget.

A Quick Recap - Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig!!

Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig




Guinea Pigs


They need a smaller cage with a base for burrowing.

They need a cage with ample floor space and secure climbing structures.

They require a large cage as per size and for exercise.


They thrive in pairs or small groups.

They are solitary beings and must be housed alone.

They should be kept in pairs.

Activity Level

They are diurnal, active and curious.

Hamsters are nocturnal, mostly active at night.

They are active during the day. They explore their environment and play with toys.


They are friendly and curious.

They can be friendly and tame with regular handling.

They are gentle and friendly.


They require a relatively low-maintenance diet and care.

Their diet is straightforward but requires daily feeding.

They need daily feeding and more dietary attention due to their vitamin C needs.


2-4 years

2-3 years

5-7 years


Lower initial and ongoing costs

Moderate initial and ongoing costs

Higher initial and ongoing costs


Summing Up!!

As we wrap our journey of Gerbil VS Hamster VS Guinea Pig, it becomes clear that these small creatures can fill our lives with amazing memories. Remember, to pick the pet after thoughtful consideration of their space, social needs, and daily care routines. 

No matter which animal you choose, the bond you form with your pet gerbil, pet hamster or pet guinea pig will surely be a wonderful experience. Pets by Numbers encourages you to get a perfect furry companion to fill your days with memories you can never forget. 

Don’t forget to check our best products - custom pet paint by numbers and pop art by numbers!

July 17, 2024